Posted September 27, 2011 at 2:30 am

There've been toddler-targeted Transformers lines before, but Rescue Bots is the one that's out now. Next year it's apparently getting a cartoon! (On The Hub, so you have to have Good Cable.) I like trying out samples of Transformers toylines I don't plan on collecting (if it's inexpensive), so I tried this version of Optimus Prime. Well, technically, it's two toys. There's Optimus Prime and his human partner Charlie Burns, who are sold separately. They interact, so that's why I got both of them.
Optimus Prime transforms very easily. When he's in cab mode, just push down/straighten his legs and the rest of him springs into place for robot mode, sans the feet. You gotta manually transform those. To put him back, you just push everything back into place until things snap together. He has zero articulation, unless you want to count his manually-transformable heels, which you really shouldn't. But this is good and appropriate, because this is a friggin' toy for toddlers. Toddlers don't obsessively count points of articulation. (Toddlers are, in this way, perhaps our betters.)

But I am not one, so I don't find these toys terribly engaging. If I had a kid that was 3 years old, I'd own every single damn one, but I don't. Gotta start the tykes early, y'know.
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